Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Somewhere Down The Line

Somewhere down the line I would love to love someone would love to be loved but it's fine for me even nobody loves me because somewhere down the line somebody will teach someone to love me!

Somewhere down the line I would love to be a free bird and to roam around the world but it's ok even if I don't become because somewhere down the line I would manage to climb the ladder amongst all this chaos and will have my own car and own home to know that I have changed my definition of freedom!

Somewhere down the line I would love to take up the people's cause and to work for the poor but it's ok even if I don't manage because somewhere down the line I will understand that working for the poor was to enrich some other kinds of poor

Somewhere down the line I would love to be successful but it's ok even if I don't because somewhere down the line I would know that once you reach the success it no longer remains a success but a prerequisite of next success.

Somewhere down the line I would learn to see the world in more beautiful way but it's ok even if If I don't able to because somewhere down the line I would know that some more important people are doing it already!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Life is at the crossroads. Everybody's life is at the crossroads! Whereever I can see I can see people trying to figure out a way, forget about bad or good, all they all want is a way. Everyone wants to move ahead but all the roads are looking the same. Some of them are thinking the road they have taken is bumpy but yeah they are sure this will lead them to one beautiful avenue of hope and dream. Some thinking their road is beautiful and all they need to is to pump some fuel so no one can stop them! 'I am already on my way to dreams!' Failing to understand that their car is being driven by someone sitting on the back seat! Well, these twenties are tricky. They really are!

All are looking for someone. No one is sure whether they really want it but everyone is searching something. What am I doing? Am I looking for someone? Yes! I am! But am I in desparate need? No, I am not! Then am I really looking for someone? ummm! Man you confused me! Really! What the hell! I am bored of being confused!

All are trying to change themselves to get something they don't have! Man! I need to change! I definitely cannot compete with these super species around me! I am the ugly duckling! But hey hang on! Do I really need to change? I am also unique like everyone else! I have my own set of pluses! But are my pluses as good as his? ummm! Should I change? Or should I improve?

All are trying to learn new things! hmm! I am the only one who is sitting idle! Com'on! I am gonna learn something! But hey learning is what I was doing for last 20 odd years! Then what's new in that! For all these years I learnt and learnt! Now the time has come for me to do nothing! Perhaps I should learn to enjoy! Gosh! Again learning!! God Please save me!

They say twenties is THE time in your life! Well, yeah it is! Suddenly my brain has started sending pulses million times faster than it has sent all these years! Work, life, education, sports, responsibilities, fun, support, advice, betrayal, success, heartbreak, love, hope, dreams, money!

Well, all the decades of my life have booked their seats in these poor little twenties! My twenties are choosing my future for my eighties!