Saturday, February 11, 2006

Best Mate...Ameya

Don't know why..but suddenly I thought I should write something about my best pal Ameya! Well...we are together since last 16(?) years! We never were and are friends who like to express our thoughts about friendship...we will never say to each other that we are best mates or never send each other a card or give a ring on friendship day we will never keep reminding ourselves that the other one holds a special place in our life but we still know that we have very deep and strong friendship.

We have very strange and different definition of friendship. Friendship with some distance friendship with some personal space to the other but when things are need to be said we will say it. We may not talk only between two of us while with whole bunch of friends but still I know if anybody is there to share our my mind he is Ameya!!

I still remember the fair and shy guy in my class with whom I didn't talk much for first 3-4 years of school...we started talking freely I guess from third standard. We both were class toppers for first two standards that could be the reason. One day he invited me to play cricket at his terrace (Magchi we call it!) And that day marked the beginning of our ever strengthening friendship.

People used to call us ‘Magnets’ as we always used to roam, do some mischief, play cricket in pair!! We always used to class monitors as well. One year he used to be chief and I used to be his deputy and the next year other way round..with no hassles at all! As we went on becoming older new friends kept on adding but with all due respect to them none of them could match Ameya.

Yes there were some Downs as well which are and should be there in all relationships. (I feel Downs in any relationship helps the persons involved to know what could get wrong and they can rectify the mistakes done!) But I don't want to recall them here!

You know I believe likes dislikes and such things which look like less important in the relationship are in fact extremely important when you start building a new relationship. Know why? Because these are the things which bring like minded people closer leading them to understand other's feelings and emotions without speaking a word! Same thing happened with Ameya. Cricket the ultimate love of both of us brought us closer. I should thank Cricket for this!

Well..I can keep on writing on this subject for hours and hours..but need to stop! I may add few thoughts later!

By the way I am sure if he reads all this he is going to term me biggest fool in the world. And his words will be 'Kahihi kaay lihitos? Ved laglay ka tula????'

1 comment:

DoD said...

may god keep u n ameya's friendship last forever!!!!

god bless both of u!!