Monday, July 11, 2005

In the heart of India!!!

Those three days of my life gave me answers of many questions i used to ask myself.
Why India still called by outsiders as poor?....Why these 'Bhaiyyas' come to mumbai to make it worse to worst?......

Well those three days i traversed UP and that too in that part of the most populated state of India which is supposed to better than other parts of UP gave me glimpses of shocking rality of India outside Mumbai!!

From one town to other.. no roads, no sanitation, no well constructed structures (sorry i can't call them buildings!), and poverty everywhere! The only building i saw in great shape was of the rulling party. And offcourse the hordings praising the MLA or MP were seen everywhere even in front of the 'Dancing Sadak' as rightly called by our driver.

I think the elected representatives are concerned with glorifying thier own image rather than providing most basic facilities to their people.

One thing i noticed in that trip is the better condition of Uttaranchal State which was carved ou of UP 4 years ago. This suggests that smaller states can improve thigs which is going to benifit India in larger way! Statistics shows UP by itself has the 7th largest population in the world!! So how can a chief minsiter govern such a huge population with efficiency? Answer is split the state!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

It's Over!

It had captured my mind.. my soul.. my body for 4 long years!
It was truly a rollercoaster ride!
And today suddenly it is not there!
It's strange feeling. Till last night i was waiting desperately for this moment...but now I am feeling like losing something dear to me!
Yes, I am talking about engineering!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Salute to BE Comps Unity!

Yes, We believe in acts and not in just great slogans!

Today what everyone did for Purshottam is truly an act one must salute! Well, what happened should not be written at this place but still I think Purshottam deserved second chance. He is one of the few BE comps who has genuine knowledge of what he studies! Once again I highly appreciate the act of BE Comps and College Administration!

By the way, I am feeling a lot fresh after giving the great shot at 'Distributed Computing' paper; one of the most fearsome syllabus of entire enginnering course! After gaining Himalayan experience of engineering exams I can say one thing, when you expect easy going they make sure that you will struggle for every mark and other way round!

So, this is the last week of Engineering( Hopefully)! Expect many more posts from me in following days!

Bye for now!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My Debut

Today i just went through Mandar's(My class head) blog and thought " Why I never think of these stuffs?" Just surfing the net for hours and hours gaining nothing is not good thing to do ! So today i decided whatever happens I will open my blog what will I do with it in future I don't know but let's give a try. Who knows this will become a bridge between me and my friend after leavibg Mumbai in September.

So let's start it with: