Sunday, April 19, 2009

Leaving the zone

Sometimes you have to move some steps back to see the surroundings in the picture. After watching the picture which was always painted only for me I have moved away from it. I still have all those things I had but life has created some distance between me and 'my things'. My parents, my home, my friends, my places of hanging out with friends, my city and my comfort zone.

Due to my wonderful parents, I always got what I deserved and for the time I was living with them, I was one of the happiest sons who had liberty of hitting the balls in the air but with assurance that no one will be able to catch those. The day I decided to leave Mumbai to be employed this happy son started understanding that he might have been happy with what he got, clothes, toys, education he still missed the company of people whom he didn't choose to be with and never imagined to be with. To share things, to suppress your desires for other's sake, to wait for your turns and to eat the food not ordered only for you, are not everyday rituals for a single child. It needs some learning.

Today, I have got brothers, guides and teachers in the people I spend my day with, at home, at office, at playground. Today somewhat uncompromising person in me is making way to the person who loves to share, who loves to learn, who loves to take orders from others, who loves to be the subject of harmless humor and who loves not to be single child despite being one for 22 years. Who were these people when I was walking at Shivaji Park holding my father's hand? Who were these people when my mother was feeding me rice when I was recovering from my routine illness? Who were they when I was catching the flight to Mysore to earn the money on my own? But today, I find my strengths; I see my weaknesses and share happy moments with all those.

This life is different. This life is showing me that there are many things that people do from so close and this life is telling me that if you think that you can do that thing, you will actually end up doing that. This life is different because you are on your own, you don't have caring hands of mother and helping hands of father with you all 24X7, but still you have people with you who without their knowledge, giving powers to your hands to be your mother and father. Each Tiffin box that you clean by yourself, each garbage bag that you dispose, each shirt that you press tells you that you are just like the others and are no longer blessed by the God to receive infinite love that your mother possesses for her child each day in and day out.

At the same time, each tennis shot you hit across the net, each shuttle that hits the ground of opponent's court, each post you write on your blog, each hill that you try to climb are because these can't be fed to you by your mother and can't be bought for you by your father but achieved by you by seeing others doing it or failing to do.

Even to learn from others' mistake you first need to get out of your zone, you need to reach out to others, you need to see them do things and then you need to do those things!

Get out of your shell to see life is much more than those walls filled with all the love and protection. Life can be spent by living in the zone but life is learnt by leaving the zone!