Thursday, August 28, 2008


Three years! I have given three years of my life to this company! I have made my life a satellite of this company! My life revolves around and sometimes gets eclipsed as well. Does the moon feel like it is there at his fixed path because of the Earth? And if he decides to leave his big brother it will be lost like a rock travelling aimlessly in the universe ready to be sucked in by same other foreign body.
Food that I eat, bus that I ride, chair on which I sit, things that I see, sounds that I hear have this company's stamp on them. My day starts with the beep coming from swipe machine missing this sound makes me guy whose status is unknown. I have already made myself comfortable living in the conditioned world where neatly combed hairs are more important than fresh air for which my lungs are dying for. I have given myself a number which helps people to decide the amount of respect they should give to me. My thoughts are bounded by policies and my window to the world is restricted by work hours. I can't even do my work if my coding tool doesn't auto complete my sentence. My 'thanks' to someone are as meaningless as his 'welcomes' to me.
My aspirations are data for Aspiration Tracking Tools, My long day in office ends with a justification for taking a seat in a late night bus, my route to survival are blocked by client compulsions but my machines are backed up to save my copy pasted dead code. My hard work of a year is nothing if I waste 3 attempts to numerically prove my knowledge.

My life is revolving around my company but why is it not crying for the azadi? It will never, because it's learning it's learning each and everyday. It is learning what to do and what not to do. It is meeting people, lots of people and lots of wonderful people. Good looking, smart, intelligent, talented, multi talented, excellent managers, technically brilliant programmers, movie buffs, sports fanatics, lazies, cruels, pessimists, fitness freaks, flirts, committed, people enjoying life, people blaming others for their own inabilities, people working to earn paisa, people working as their passion, people working to get good ratings or working just because they have to work somewhere. My life is watching people leaving, it is watching new people coming, it understands that other moving trains give you feeling of going ahead and it tries to persuade itself to believe in it.

My life gets happy when it sees sense of appreciation on the people's faces, when it sees that it is hot property in the market, it gets sense of pride when someone considers it good just because of his employer then it also plays its part in the game to praise his company to retain self value, it adds to the flurry of praises towards its founder to give itself the sense of being blessed by the almighty.

And then it waits for the countless opportunities waiting for him. One day it will decide to go for them. One day it will spread its wings and will run towards the horizon to take off, to reach the heights. That day it will understand that today it is flying because he waited on the firm ground to strengthen his weak wings. It always wanted to fly long and not early.

Thanks Infy for everything you gave me!